Sunday, March 13, 2011

The price one pays for love

The McGill You Knew
An Anthology of Memories

After the stock market crash of October 1929, many of the students lost their savings for their whole next year of studies, and so (as J. Gilbert Turner relays)-

“A good friend of mine – one of the many on such limited finances – received from home just enough money each month for bare subsistence. Going out on the town, for him, was minimal or nonexistent. On one occasion his very favourite girlfriend announced her plans to come to town for a weekend. He was broke – so he dashed up to the Maternity and gave a blood donation for $25. On the Sunday, after seeing her off on the train, he said to me: “I sure hope that gal loves me after this weekend – I've given her my life's blood.”

-Twilight of the Twenties
J. Gilbert Turner, M.D. '32

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